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Student Art Contest

Arisia 2012 will once again feature a Science Fiction art contest open to secondary school students.

This is a free contest, open to all secondary school students. Cash prizes ($800 total) will be awarded for the best science fiction or fantasy-themed artwork. There are no entry or exhibition fees, and no "gotcha"s. We simply wish to recognize, celebrate and encourage outstanding student art. Students who wish can also choose to put their art up for sale.

Students are free to use any Science Fiction or Fantasy theme for inspiration.

The deadline for entries is December 27, 2011.

For more information, please see the Student Art Contest letter and entry form.

The 2011 Student Art winners were:
1st place: Jordan Walker, "Children" ($250)
(tie) 2nd place: Catalina Ouyang, "Our Modern Romance" ($150)
(tie) 2nd place: Rachel Chasteen, "Kevin" ($150)
3rd place: Alex Winkler, "001_Thunder" ($100)
Honorable Mention: Amanda Heffernan, "Armadillo" ($50)
Honorable Mention: Maxx Newman, "Self Portrait" ($50)
Honorable Mention: Linda Wong, "Cavities" ($50)