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Rules and Entry Form

  • Open to all secondary school students (including home-schooled students). Entry cost: FREE!!!
  • Theme: Either general Science Fiction or Fantasy, or related to the convention theme Mad Science.
  • Size: No larger than 18" x 24" (457 mm x 610 mm) for flat works, or 16" x 24" x 30" high (406 mm x 610 mm x 762 mm high) for three-dimensional works.
  • Deadline: Entry must be received by December 27, 2011.
  • Categories for submission include: Drawings, Paintings, Three-Dimensional Art, Digital Art (either digital originals or digital art based on other images or media).
  • Entry Format: Digital photographs of the entry are preferred. Other formats (e.g. photographic prints, photographic slides) are acceptable, if they clearly show the artwork.
  • One picture or photograph per 2-D work, two pictures or photographs for each 3-D work. Limit six works per artist. Images may be any standard format.
  • Digital works based on third-party source material must include low resolution copies of source images so judges can fairly distinguish student work from source material.
  • Prizes: 1st place-$250, Best in Class-$150, Judges Choice-$100, Honorable Mention(s)-$50 (up to $800 in total prizes.)
  • Preliminary selection of entries will be made by the Arisia convention committee.
  • Finalists artwork will be displayed at the Arisia Convention Art Show.
  • Once you have been notified that you are a finalist, your artwork must be dropped off on-site at the convention in Boston, MA, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Thursday, January 12, 2012, between noon and 6 p.m. Friday, January 13, 2012, or as arranged in advance with the Contest Manager at
  • Final judging will be done by a jury committee during the Saturday of the convention. Winners will be announced at the convention and on the web site soon after.
  • Artwork may be picked up on 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday after the awards ceremony or 10 a.m. to noon Monday, unless other arrangements or a different time have previously been arranged. Other arrangementsmust include providing a shipping box or container and a shipping company account number or adequate postage to ship the art back to you.
  • Finalists receive a free weekend membership to the convention, plus free one-day memberships for parents or teachers.
  • All entries and copyright remain the property of the artist.
  • Entries (or print copies) may be put up for sale in the Arisia Art Show at the artist's discretion. (No commission or fees are charged to students who sell their work.)

Email electronic entries to: (please include the below information)

Or, send hardcopy/slide/photo entries to:

Arisia Student Art Contest; PO Box 391596; Cambridge, MA 02139

Student’s Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State _______________ ZIP ________________________
Phone ____________________________ Email _______________________________________________
School (or "home school") _______________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name ________________________________________________________________________
Name of piece [one form for each piece; indicate if untitled] ____________________________________
__ Traditional Art (Drawings/Pencil/Charcoal – Indicate which) ________________________________
__ Traditional Art (Paintings/Oils/Acrylics – Indicate which) ___________________________________
__ Traditional Art (3-Dimensional Art – Describe) ___________________________________________
__ Digital Art (Based upon source material of artist's own creation) [Note: Include low-res copies of source material]
__ Digital Art (Based upon found images, i.e. Downloaded) [Note: Low-res copies of source material must be included]
__ Digital Originals (Created entirely in Painter, Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc. No major use of external source material)
Inspiration source or meaning of piece (Please help our judges understand your art):