Arisia 2012 Masquerade, January 14, 2012, 8:40 PM Start
MC: Susan de Guardiola
Directors: Karen Purcell, Sharon Sbarsky
Stage Manager: Joel Lord
Presentation Judges: Jill Eastlake, Marty Gear, Tony Lay
Workmanship Judge: Dina Flockhart
36 Entries: 7 Young Fan, 12 Novice, 9 Journeyman, 4 Craftsman, 4 Master
Arisia 2012 Masquerade Awards
Young Fan--Presentation
Best Interpretation, The Collector, Laurel Moore
Best Movie, Kitty Softpaws, Aurora Arntz
Most Humorous, Hydra Gymnastics, Julia Kautz, Vera Backman, Arthur Kautz, Mabel Backman
Best Comic Book Character, Golden Age Green Lantern Arisia, Arisia Huff
Best Mythology, Sphinx of the Desert, Amber Hammond
Best Gaslight, A Normal Day to Sarah Heterodyne, Isabel Kadel-Garcia
Best Young Fan (be afraid, Wendy!), Goth Tinkerbell, Tabatha Bohmbach
Novice Category--Presentation
Best Movie Recreation, The Dark Knight, Kevin Dunham
Best Interpretation, Salvador Dalek, Phill Hallam-Baker
Best Original Interpretation, Dalek, Stephanie Mann
Best in Class, Idris, Anatasia Holt
Journeyman Category--Presentation
Judges Appreciation, For the Minotaur in Narnia, Matt Miller
Best Recreation, We Meant it for the Best, David M Scales
Best Original, Aquatic Knight, Jamila Sisco
Best in Class, A Klownish Nightmare, William Kennedy
Craftsman Category--Presentation
Best in Class, 1901: A Grand Adventure; Act 3, Karl Winkler, Nathan Alvord
Master Category--Presentation
Best Presentation, Welcome to the Jungle, Eric Bornstein, Ashley Yarnell
Best in Class, Fall 1867 Gaslight Collection, Aurora Celeste
Best in Show--Presentation
Best in Show Original, Victorian Tiki Calypso, Lisa Ashton
Best in Show Interpretation, Charlie's Fallen Angels, Wendy Farrell, Skip Farrell, Tracy, Farrell, Rebecca Janney
Young Fan--Workmanship
Fantastic Fabric Wings, Hydra Gymnastics, Arthur Kautz
Puppet Creation with Duct Tape and Found Objects, Hydra Gymnastics, Julia Kautz, Vera Backman, Mabel Backman
Feather work and wing hinges, Sphinx of the Desert, Amber Hammond
Exacting use of duct tape, Goth Tinkerbell, Tabatha Bohmbach
Jewelry Making, A Normal Day to Sarah Heterodyne, Isabel Kadel-Garcia
Novice Category--Workmanship
Painting, Charlie's Fallen Angels, Rebecca Janney
Tailoring and Design Continuity, Charlie's Fallen Angels, Wendy Farrell
Casting & Modeling; Attention to detail, Salvador Dalek, Phill Hallam-Baker
Adaption of Design, Dalek, Stephanie Mann
Attention to proper clothing fit, Forsworn of Skyrim, Ananda Rosen
Journeyman Category--Workmanship
Incredible Design Award, Disney Fashion Magic, Elizabeth O'Malley & Christa Newman
Use of Found Objects, Soft Sculpture & Mixed Media, Aquatic Knight, Jamila Sisco
Makeup, Bonework, Use of Strange Objects, We Meant it for the Best, David M Scales
Attention to Color & Detail, Adaptation of Materials, A Klownish Nightmare, William Kennedy
Felting, Narnia, Regan Cerato
Resin, Narnia, Kelley Kullman
Fur work & mask making, Narnia, Matt Miller
Classic Feather & Tutu Construction, Kraehe: The Crow Princess, Gann Monroe
Craftsman Category--Workmanship
Tsarina, Historical Adaptation, shortcuts that look good, 1901: A Grand Adventure; Act 3, Amy Murphy
Innovative use of found objects, documentation on Hal 900, 1901: A Grand Adventure; Act 3
Master Category--Workmanship
Overachiever & Master of all things thread & bead, Victorian Tiki Calypso, Lisa Ashton
Master of Maskmaking, Welcome to the Jungle, Eric Bornstein
Fantastic documentation of the deign process & exacting workmanship, Fall 1867 Gaslight Collection, Aurora Celeste
CostumeCon 30 Award of a free membership to Best Novice at Arisia goes to Idris, Anatasia Holt.
CostumeCon 32 Award of a free membership to Best Journeyman at Arisia goes to A Klownish Nightmare, William Kennedy.
The Northern Lights Costumers Guild (Noel) awards "Measure of Success" to a Novice who hasn’t won a major award but who we feel will develop into something special. Narnia (Regan Cerato, Kelley Kullman, Matt Miller) are given a free membership for a year and this symbol--a tape measure.