If you work 12 hours at the convention, you will earn a free membership to next year's convention. Truck loading on Wednesday, setup on Thursday & Friday until 3 PM, tear-down on Sunday evening & Monday, and truck unloading on Monday & Tuesday count as double, so you can earn a membership without missing any of the con. For more information, contact us. You may not transfer an earned membership.
Fast Track Assistants
Looking for a good time with small people? We're looking for a few fun Fast Track assistants. Creativity, ability to solve problems, and desire to work with children ages 7-12 are necessary for this fast paced con-within-a-con. Programmed hours will be Friday, 4pm to 7pm; Saturday, 8:30am to 11:30am and 1pm to 5:30pm; Sunday, 8:30am to 11:30am and 1pm to 5:30pm; and Monday, 8:30am to 1pm. And then there's clean-up. Animals, discussions, music, magic, and of course, crafts of all sorts are planned for this year. Please contact FastTrack@arisia.org if you are interested in joining the Fast Track Team as a part-time or full-time assistant, or even if you are willing to put in a few hours before, during, or after.
Food Services Need You!
Arisia provides free food in Consuite, Green Room, and Staff Den. Con Suite serves all attendees, Green Room is restricted to participants and panelists, and Staff Den is for staff working the convention this year. Cleaning up and the restocking of snacks and beverages are the fundamental tasks in all three rooms. Working in the Consuite is a great way to connect with the attendees of Arisia while providing much needed help. The Green Room is where the pros go to recharge between their professional duties, and the Staff Den serves a similar purpose for staff members, so volunteering there also involves helping to maintain the room's status as a haven from the bustling fandom outside its doors. We have lots of people to feed and we have a great time doing it, so please join our team! You can email services@arisia.org to ask questions and/or volunteer for any of these positions.
Info Desk Assistants
Are you from Boston and / or have you been to Arisia before? Do you like helping people? If so we need Info Desk Assistants to help others with questions about Arisia or Boston. Please send mail to infodesk@arisia.org if you are interested.
Logistics Helpers
Logistics needs help with bringing stuff to the con and especially getting it back to storage. The main truck load to the con is Wednesday evening and unload is Thursday starting about noon. Load out from the con is Monday afternoon and Tuesday. Please send mail to logistics@arisia.org if you can help.
Masquerade Helpers
The Masquerade group is looking for the following: Green Room Manager for the Kamikaze kids, Den Moms for both Green Rooms, Ushers, Ninjas, Judges clerk. Heck, we could use another presentation judge, even!
Please Contact masquerade@arisia.org immediately if you can help us out and haven't already.
Programming Room Counts
Really like counting things? Secretly wish you were the Count when you were a kid watching Sesame Street? Programming needs people to count attendees in programming rooms. Count van Count laughter after each room is optional. Please contact program@arisia.org if you are interested in taking a shift or several.
Sign Shop Runner
Need someone to deliver signs for the sign shop. Must be fleet of foot, and able to figure out the hotel's layout. Reply to signshop@arisia.org.
Looking for lots of help for the Art Show!
Our Needs: As many people with Art Show experience as care to apply.
Specific Needs:
1) Someone to run Art Show Coat Check, plus back-up, from approximately 5pm on Friday thru 3pm on Monday.
2) People to staff the Art Show Office in 3 to 3-1/2 hr shifts from Friday through Monday; need at least 1 person; prefer 2 per shift.
3) People to staff the Art Show Print Shop in shifts as above.
4) Two people to act as loss preventers and Art Show Information. Rovers in shifts as above.
5) Four people on Friday from 10 or 11am until 2 or 3pm and again from 2 or 3pm to 5 or 6pm for Artist Check-in.
6) Lots of people at 2pm on Sunday to form 'The Wall.'
7) Six people on Sunday from 2pm to 6 or 7pm to assist with marking art for auction and sale and then acting as Runners, Clerks or telephone contact during the Art Show Auction; this would be broken down into 2 shifts.
8) Six additional people on Sunday from 3pm to 7pm to handle Art Show Sales. Need people who know how to operate a credit card machine and/or handle cash and people who are either familiar with being a Tally Clerk or are willing to learn.
9) Two to three people on Monday from 10am thru 2pm to help check-out artists and handle any sales stragglers.
Please send email to artshow@arisia.org if you're interested!
For other volunteer positions, please email volunteers@arisia.org.