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Info for Professionals

Hey I am a professional author/artist/editor/publisher. How could I get involved with Arisia?

Great question! Arisia has a number of opportunities for professionals in these fields. First of all Arisia organizes signings for published authors. Additionally authors can sign up to do readings of their own work, if their writing is suited to it. In both of these case, there is no charge for participation. However, while Arisia does its best to accomidate as many people as possible, Arisia staff does reserve the right to decline reading and signing requests.

For further information on these topics, contact Also there are many areas for which we love to have experts speak in our programming. If you are interested in being a program participant, please see our program participation page. Please note, however, Arisia is a non-profit convention and can not offer any general participants a per-diem, hotel accommodations or other forms of reimbursement other than green room access and registration.

Finally there is the Artist/Author Alley where artists and authors can "rent" a table to promote their own work at the convention. These slots tend to be longer than signings and there has historically been a small fee attached. You can contact for more information and to sign up for notification once this area starts accepting applications for this year.